David J.
CEO/Station Manager/Executive Producer/Host
The Center Stage/The Hot Topic/After Dark/The Beautiful Ghosts Show/What's Your Creep Factor
David J. was the founding member of Keepin It Radio back in 2011. He is the only 2011 host still remaining on the network, and prides himself in giving his all to the station. With an innovative mindset and a relentless attitude of persistence and progress, David has quickly helped Keepin It Radio find it's way to where it is now. He invests himself into the station but is quick to make sure everyone knows, he couldn't do it without his incredible co-hosts and team members.
David is a musician, author, father, and more. He loves karaoke/singing, plays guitar, and enjoys nature and music. His lack of a filter brings out some wild moments on the air and yet his professionalism shines where it matters most.
E-mail David: david@playkir.com
Brooke Ashley
Director of Human Resources/Host
The Center Stage/After Dark/Behind the Boudoir/Steel City Chronicles
Brooke Ashley is one of the longest running hosts on Keepin It Radio, with her first appearance on the station in 2013. Brooke is the only on on the station to have attended broadcasting school. Broadcasting is her dream, and with Keepin It Radio she is accomplishing that and more. Brooke has maintained a steady place on our flagship shows, and has taken the initiative to launch Behind the Boudoir and the Steel City Chronicles. Brooke prides herself in motivating and encouraging others, helping to build confidence and grow courage, self-worth and positivity.
Brooke is an incredible part of Keepin It Radio and is as thankful for her team as they are for her.
Email Brooke: brooke@playkir.com

The Center Stage
Quick wit and off-the-wall comments that bring his cohosts to absolute shock, Randall is one of our newer team members. But being green on the mic doesn't stop him from being heard and expressing himself, and he's grown quickly into his role with the station. Randall looks forward to doing more with Keepin It Radio as time goes on, but his current contributions are more than sufficient in regards to providing content and participating on the Center Stage.
The team looks forward to seeing what the future holds with Randall and appreciates the laughs (and even jaw-dropping unfiltered things he says sometimes).
Email Randall: randall@playkir.com
Brian Bobo
The Center Stage, The Gizmo Effect
Bobo may find himself on the receiving ends of jokes and pranks from his cohosts, but it doesn't stop him from being passionate about the topics we discuss and being quick to retaliate. Often teased for his wisdom and explanations being so in-depth, Bobo is often referred to as AI. The joke extends further due to him typically being remote during shows rather than joining everyone live in studio. He has a love for collectibles, tech and entertainment and isn't afraid to say something no matter how much his cohosts may disagree with him.
Despite the teasing and bickering that may go on from time to time, Bobo is a loved part of the Keepin It Radio team and is always helping find ways to innovatively enhance the KIR brand and the services/opportunities that we offer local bands, businesses and artists.
Email Brian: brian@playkir.com

The Center Stage
Whoa-oh-oh, she's a lady... when she wants to be. Emmadoll does not hesitate to speak her mind on the air, and isn't afraid to get hot and steamy on the microphone (often-times with a "sorry dad" afterwards.) The newest addition to the Center Stage, Emmadoll was one of the original members of Revolt Talk Radio, our original full talk show on this station.
Email Emmadoll: emmadoll@playkir.com